Sunday, November 20, 2011


November twenty, two thousand eleven...

I never felt so blessed today first because of my dear loving boyfriend jaypee.. he's just such a blessing to me..

He really makes me his princess, and I sincerely appreciate that about him...

He and I along with our friends came from Enchanted Kingdom today <will update this blog with photos soon...if not in this entry some other day's entry> It was sooo much fun because we get to ride all the major rides... it was a perfect day with a perfect weather and all...

My prince whole heartedly paid for my entrance/ park fee (which is yes, he is supposed to do that...) but for me it is really a grand gesture... got us drinks, food inside the park among other things...

He drove us to and from Manila to Tagaytay to Enchanted Kingdom ( much to my dismay, I fell asleep on the road home - -  he was wide awake driving) THANKS LOVE REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!! I really feel soooo blessed...

When it was finally time to drop off my friends and jaypee home... I really felt sad because even though we have been with each other for more than 24 hours... when I dropped Jaips off in his house I missed him...

Its that feeling of longing to have more of the person persists.. MUSHY, I know, but it was just a whole day of sweetness for me...

Another reason I feel so blessed was because of my mom..

When I got home, she managed to get me a new mattress... and I really wasn't expecting it anytime soon and I was touched because I really needed to change my Mattress... (ooooohhh Jaips would love to lie down in this mattress... it's his cup of tea)

one last blessing... a gift of affirmation... I was texting with one of my clients this evening too... and guess what..... the couple really loved the costume I made for their son.. and the wife says her husband is not much of a biggie on clothes and yet the husband himself really liked it... I couldn't be more than happy seeing happy clients... :D

finally, I can sleep in peace and wake up refreshed... I just feel sooo blessed and happy and lucky... Its just one of those days... THANK YOU LORD... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TODAY!